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Multimedia Database for Authentic Bulgarian Musical Folklore

Project idea and management:

                        ©  Lubomir Kavaldjiev, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof.
                        Affiliation: Chief of Section: "Information Systems in Musical Culture"
                        Institute for Art Studies,   B A S.

Home Address: 29, Fr. Nansen St., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
  Tel: (+359 2) 9863214  E-mail: sscor@trbg.net
Dr. Lubomir Kavadjiev is the  Coordinator of following GIP Project 
(The project was awarded by GIP and European Commission  in April, 1997)


         Project Name:
                                             Multimedia Database for Authentic Bulgarian Musical
                                              ethnomusicology, musical resources, database,
         Country of origin and current
                                              BULGARIA (BG)
         Project Coordinator:
                                              Dr. Lubomir Kavadjiev,
         Brief overall Project Summary:
                                              Authentic Bulgarian Musical Folklore (ABMF) multimedia
                                              database is an integration of folk music data (songs,
                                              instrumental music, dances and rituals), information, and
                                              related analytical tools. It is based on an old and highly valuable
                                              archive of Bulgarian folk music collected for more than 70
                                              years and preserved  in the Institute for  Art Studies - BAS. This multimedia
                                              database was created in 1994. Today there are more
                                              than 16000 records associated with integrated audio, photos, score facsimiles,
                                              and video.

         Project objectives:
                                            The project aims to increase access to  integration,
                                             application and use of distributed sources of musical data,
                                             and to develop a related  technology to support these multimedia resources through
                                             INTERNET / Web.
         Expected / Actual results:
                                              A distributed electronic integration of musical data, special musicological
                                             and popular information, and also technologies
                                              (multimedia presentations generated automatically from
                                              database, computer models, analytical applications, etc.)
                                              available through Internet / Web for variety of users.
         Target Groups:
                                              ethnomusicologists, Slavic philologists, educators and
                                              students, general public.

         Partners / Actors in the initiative:

         Institute for Parallel Processing
           Open Society Foundation - Bulgaria

         Use of information / telematic technologies:
                                              Internet / www   database   multimedia
         Benefits to the Information Society:
                                              Globalization of cultural information and electronic
                                              presentation of highly valuable sources from  musical traditions in
                                              the Balkan region.
         Expected costs:
                                                US$   14,000
         Date information was collected:
                                             22 December 2003
         Date of last update of WEB project location:
                                             22 December 2003

        Important  information:
           Thanks to the sponsorship of:  >>>>>

                          the main objective  of  this project is already in work.
                          It makes possible an  automatic updating of WWW
                          pages with new information placed permanently in the
                          source database. In November 1995
                          there were about 1000 records, at present they are
                          approximately 16000, and in the future they are expected
                          to grow to 150000 (audio, video, graphics, photo and text data).

The Global Inventory Project is a G7 Pilot Project
coordinated by the European Commission and Japan.

AUTHORS NOTE: We are looking for other sponsors of this project. Please contact us on:    sscor@trbg.net

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